Sunday, December 23, 2007

Gracie Girl is 2!!

Gracie Girl,

I wish you a very special day and year to come! You have become quite the little girl from the baby you were this time last year and God blesses our family with you everyday. May we always recognize those blessings and make them forever memories--I love you bunches, mommy

Our sweet baby girl is growing up too fast! Gracie's second birthday party has been in the works for a while now. I was talking through our plans for the month of December--considering the wedding and Christmas and her second brithday in between--with a good friend one day over the phone and her party quickly evolved into a tutu (2-2) tea party for all her little friends. I shared this idea with another friend and she took the idea and ran with it. Jamie at the English Rose created a whole party room based on this idea and others she had been thinking through for a while. Therefore, we had a family party on her actual birthday and then the tutu party in January at the English Rose with Jamie (thanks Jamie, we had a blast). It is so much fun to watch your children grow into each new phase of their life and I pray that I never take those days for granted. As you can see I started this post on her birthday and never finished it. The tutu picture was taken by my sister-in-law, Whitney Hodges, and she did a great job capturing all the little girls in their jewels and tutus. I wish I could post more of the pictures. Gracie is not smiling in many of them because she was on some pretty strong medicines getting over a cold, and you can see the misery in her eyes. The party was too special to cancel or move and maybe someday we can do it again.

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