Saturday, March 28, 2009

Let it snow...Let it snow...Let it snow in March!

Check back for a few pictures of our recent blizzard--brr, it was cold yesterday!

The snow came just as fast as it melted! At 7pm, Thursday night when our schools got cancelled it was 70 degrees! I wondered then if we were really going to get the snow they expected us to get. We did, but it was so cold and the wind was blowing so hard the kids could not play in it! Brandon went to work as usual and the kids and I stayed home. We played games, watched movies, and took a nap--the perfect snow day minus the playing in it--it was just too windy!! Most of their friends played in it Saturday morning before it all melted away, but not my poor kids. We got up and got ready for a wedding in Lubbock that we had to go to. The roads were clear and off we went, by the time we returned the snow was no more!

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