Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Home at Last!

Brandon and I just spent the last 12 days travelling with his parents around Nevada and California. His sister came up to keep the kids--thanks a million, Whit! Twelve days is a long time to be away, especially from the kids. Mike and Becky gave us this trip for Christmas last year.

We left Friday morning flying into Reno for the Nevada v. Texas Tech football game on Saturday. It was HOT! I have been to both Austin and College Station for Tech games and this was definitely comparable. Before the game Saturday morning, Brandon and Mike rode their bikes from Reno to a little historical town, Virginia City, NV, where the western show, Bonanza was filmed years ago. Becky and I hung out at the hotel, worked out in the fitness center, and ate breakfast while the guys were gone. We did the Tech game, not a great game but it was interesting. We headed to San Franscisco via a trip through Napa Valley for lunch and a wine tasting. I could have spent the whole day or maybe two there. They had little shops including a few antique stores, neat restaurants and the fields of grapes were beautiful. San Franscisco was a busy town. We spent Sunday night through Thursday morning at the beautiful Park 55 Hotel in downtown seeing it all on foot. We went through Union Square, Chinatown, Little Italy, Fisherman's Wharf, Golden Gate Bridge and Park, Market Street, rode a Trolly car, Peir 29 and Alcatraz--anything and just about everything San Francisco has to offer, we saw. We bought the kids all kinds of souveniers. The weather was cool but comfortable most of the time; I enjoyed seeing someplace I had never been before. Thursday morning, we headed back to Reno to pick up Mike and Brandon's bicycles before the MS 150 ride Saturday morning. We spent the rest of the weekend at the Northstar Resort near Lake Tahoe. Mike and Brandon rode the bike ride Saturday and Sunday, then we headed to Virginia City, NV to sightsee. It was a neat town with plenty to do and see in a day, too bad we only had a few hours. We packed up and headed back Tuesday afternoon, so ready to see our kids!

This slide show took several tries and though it does not have the Tech v. Nevada game pics--enjoy, we did!